©Kirton News 2025

April 2008

The Editors Letter

Dear readers, the days are getting longer, the daffodils are out and we have to mow the lawn. For your grass cuttings the green waste collection is starting up again on the 5th April; further details inside.

‘Open Doors’ are trying to encourage local people, ethnic groups and folks new to Kirton to meet up on Wednesday evenings at the Town Hall. We seem to have quite an influx of Polish people into Kirton as well as other groups.

It is quite difficult for them to cope with our culture which is completely different in many ways but they are here and we have to help them if we can. I have never been to Poland but spent three months inside East Germany in the 1970’s and the differences between West European and East European lifestyles were enormous. They say it takes at least one generation to change peoples’ mindset which I can well believe.

For this reason we have a feature written in Polish. Hopefully there is somebody out there who could write some articles in their own language.

Our internet site seems to be reaching out world wide – we have an interesting letter inside from a gentleman in Canberra who was born in Cut Throat Lane.
We do appreciate any feedback from our readers be it good or bad.

Roger Booth

The Stained Glass Window

The Stained Glass Window, performed in Kirton Methodist Church at Christmas 1949. It was presented by the Girls Club led by Ena Sutton (later Ena Hemington).

Angela Scarborough, June Fisher, Joyce Shinn, Sheila Pinnock.
Eileen English, Pam Goodwin, Iris Fearn, Doreen Dawson, Pam Walters, Jean Fossitt.
Alan Dowse, Jean Kemp, Ena Sutton, Lily Dowse.
Marlene Chantry, Lionel Hemington, Harold Wander.Sylvia Fuller, Eileen Meeds, Jo Jackson, Hazel Gilbert, Barbara Elms, Unknown.

Photo and details courtesy Ena Hemington.

Editor’s Note: I expect this picture will bring back some memories.


Memories of a Marine Engineer - Part 5

After leave I rejoined another ‘C’ class vessel to do the UK/continent run. Normally this would involve loading and discharging in the UK and continental ports such as Dunkirk, Bremen, Antwerp, Le Havre, etc for about three weeks but we proceeded to drydock in Rotterdam for an additional two weeks.

This was most interesting for me because you could observe the propeller, rudder and other underwater fittings such as sea valves through which the ship’s pumps would draw in sea water for use as cooling water. The time in dock was also used to remove the green weed and shells from the sides and bottom by high pressure washing and scraping by hand before coating the steel with anti-fouling paints containing large amounts of tin which is toxic to marine growths. This was necessary because the increased friction would slow the vessel considerably and increase fuel consumption but copper based anti-foulants are presently not used on environmental grounds.

The vessel’s last loading port was in the Royal group of docks in London now the site of the London City Airport. The ship’s deck crew consisted of about forty five deck apprentices who lived in a converted cargo hold. It was operated as a sort of floating public school with the commensurate bullying a fact I was acutely aware of as the sole engineer apprentice on board. What was worse was that my cabin was on the main deck with the remaining officers and my immediate boss the second engineer detested deck apprentices and insisted that they called me sir. I did receive a number of threats from them so I was definitely feeling somewhat nervous and outnumbered. The vessel was scheduled for the East Africa trade – a three month round trip.

In port on weekends I looked after the engine room during nights. I had an Indian donkeyman to care for the ‘Scotch’ boiler. Although the ship’s propulsion was a ‘Doxford’ diesel engine all other consumers were steam driven or supplied such as the cargo winches, mooring winches, anchor windlass, electrical generating sets, pumps, heating, etc. The ‘Scotch’ boiler was a dangerous animal. It was oil fired and had three corrugated furnaces about three foot in diameter and about twelve feet long. These were surrounded by about fifteen tons of boiler feed water turned into steam at about 120 Lb/sq.inch. If the boiler water level became lower than the furnace the corrugated steel wall would overheat, collapse, release the boiler water into the engine room, flashing off instantly into steam releasing a huge amount of energy killing anybody in its path. One took special care of the boiler water level gauges. On the whole weekends were uneventful with two notable exceptions.

Around dawn one morning I was taking a ‘turn’ round the decks when a deck apprentice staggered out of an empty cargo hold. I managed to get him to lie down in an empty cabin and then hammered on the doctor’s cabin door but to no avail. I then woke the Chief Officer and together we managed to wake the doctor who was obviously intoxicated but totally incapable. The Chief Officer woke the Captain who immediately fired the doctor on the spot. Meantime an ambulance duly arrived and took the apprentice to hospital. It transpired that he had fallen into the hold about thirty feet and broken his arm. It was a miracle he wasn’t killed and how he climbed almost vertical steel ladders to get out with only one good arm is amazing. It seems the doctor had previously been on an Antarctic base and during the harsh winters there wasn’t much to do except drink and he had turned into an alcoholic.
One weekend in the London docks it was fairly quiet since the stevedores didn’t work and the engineers had completed their maintenance work so Saturday night they disappeared to wives, girlfriends, etc intending to return late Sunday morning leaving yours truly as the only engineering representative. Eight o’clock Sunday morning an imposing gentleman came on board wearing a black overcoat and bowler hat. He was a Company Superintendent requesting to know the whereabouts of the engineers. In the hierarchy of things if a Chief Engineer was God then Superintendents were the Chief of Gods. I’m not sure what happened after that but the second engineer told me that b…… was really sneaky.

On weekdays I was working days and I was in the communal shower one late afternoon soaping myself down and singing away when an unknown voice shouted at me ‘Get your things together you are joining another vessel tonight in Liverpool’, so naturally I asked who was speaking, but without response. The second engineer explained that it was the Chief Engineer. It was the first time he had deigned to speak to me in almost five weeks.
So there was a God in Heaven after all. Not only did I avoid those unpleasant deck apprentices but I was being promoted to acting 5th engineer with a substantial pay increase since the tanker in Liverpool was sailing the next day and the company needed someone in a hurry.


Emails from ‘Down Under’

Dear Mr. Booth, I am writing to you to tell you that I fully appreciate the Kirton News online - I have only recently found it and have therefore only the March edition in full - the previous editions only being in the main precis’ of the conrtents (and not necessarily containing all of that month’s features).   This latter item is the one which interests me most, because I was born in Kirton (how about ‘Cut-throat Lane’!), and whilst most of my early days were lived in Frampton West, I attended Kirton School until I was awarded a scholarship to Boston Gramnmar School.

The article about Jessop’s bakery brought back memories - my mother occasionally gave us a penny to catch the bus from Mill Hill to Kirton to go to school, but if we walked, we could buy a penny bun at the bakers (and because it was during World War 2, you might be lucky and get a least a couple of currants in it!). Keep up the good work.

My comments about Cut-throat Lane were solely that I was actually born in it!   My grandfather was a ganger on the railway and my grandmother ‘minded’ the crossing gates at No. 91 Gatehouse, Kirton.   This building of course no longer exists as it was pulled down when they laid tarmac on the line to form the new A16.   Mind you it was maybe about time that the building disappeared; it had no electricity, gas, running water or sewerage system. Yours faithfully

Tony Drew (Canberra, A.C.T., Australia)

Editor’s Note: Nice to know we are appreciated from across the other side of the world!


Peggy Robinson’s Wedding Picture

Peggy Blackbourn and Stan Robinson were married at Kirton on 23 June 1932. Back row standing L to R: Charles Robinson, brother of groom (Billingborough); Ernest Tiplady, best man (Tadcaster) where the groom was working; Eyisa Brown, bridesmaid, Kirton; Stan Robinson (b. Billingborough), groom; Peggy Blackbourn, bride, Kirton; Madge Smith (later Mrs J. Appleton), bridesmaid; Officiating Minister Henry Milnes; Ethel Dennett, bridesmaid, Kirton; John (known as Jack) Smith, brother of Peg’s mother and who became Head Postmaster in Boston. Front Row sitting L to R: John and Martha Robinson, grooms parents and postmaster at RAF Cranwell; Florence and Ted Blackbourn, bride’s parents, Postmaster at Kirton.



Frampton Gardening Club

It was a far cry from gardening at the club meeting this month as our speaker was from Skegness Nature World and after a struggle to get the video/projector going properly we had an enjoyable talk given by Cheryl. She was not meant to be doing the talking but could not get the voice over to work; given the circumstances she did very well.

Nature World is a family concern – grandparents to grandchildren are all involved. Their principal work is with seal rescue, mainly pups separated from their mothers. They have this down to a fine art and other sanctuaries copy their methods. Baby seals are born with a very impressive full set of teeth and the jaw power of a fully grown German Shepherd so great care has to be taken when force feeding. As there is no substitute for seal mum’s milk the pups have to be force fed fish before they would normally take it. There are times when the when antibiotics have to be given and this is put into the fish.

The seals are given names and tagged with colour coded discs before release into the wild.
It is illegal to retain seals in captivity unless health or injury would prevent them surviving at sea. The adult seals performing at Nature World at feeding times have been in captivity far too long to be released as they are all in their thirties now but are still breeding happily. I’m not sure if their babies are released into the wild; I suppose they must be according to the law.

Nature World has crocodiles, tarantulas, penguins, tortoises, pygmy goats and a butterfly section. They are in contact with other sanctuaries around the world and also exchange information with scientific organisations in arctic countries. Occasionally other species become beached on our shores such as sharks and whales but once a young walrus which was enormous was crated up, put into a truck to the airport and flown to Greenland; quite an operation.

The next meeting is on April the 24th when Sue Stephenson presents Puddle Paddock Part 2.

Pauline Chubb

Kirton Kids Club

This month has been a busy one with Valentines and Mother’s day coming into it. The children love to make things and take them home and these two themes gave us all the more reason to get busy making yet again.

The children made lovely St. Valentine’s Day biscuits decorated with jelly and rice paper hearts and lovely gooey icing. (I’m not sure how many of these actually got home – I think maybe they were eaten on the way home!).
The children also made beautiful traditional valentines cards with a Victorian theme to them.

Mother’s day always leads to excitement and the children made cards during the week and took home tiny posies for their Mothers. No matter how old or young the child it always seems to draw a smile of pleasure being able to give even the smallest gifts especially if they have managed to make something themselves.
The hall wallboards were decorated with ‘space’ themed art – again children’s imaginations go far when doing anything of this kind.

Running alongside the art the children get involved in numerous games, activities and social skills. There are both snooker and football tables for all to access.
The club is a happy, busy, fun place to be for the children and staff alike.
If you wish to have a look around – why not call in at the Youth Centre during club hours or phone and talk to a member of staff.

We take from nursery age upwards, the older children having a room of their own to ‘chill out’ in with T.V. play stations, music system and sofas. The younger ones have access to a huge main hall packed with toys, activities and equipment of all kinds.

Breakfast Club runs from 7.30 am to school and is £2.50 per child per session. After School club runs until 5.45pm and is £4.30 per child per session.Holiday Club will run for the first week of the school Easter Holidays from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm. Other holidays to be covered are May half term and the first three weeks of the school summer holidays.

Phone 722426 for more details.

The Mothers Union

We meet on Wednesday the 9th April at 7.15pm in the Methodist Hall. The title of this meeting is a ‘A time to act’ – a discussion evening on our reactions and ideas from the Lenten Relationship chart. This is an opportunity to look at what we are about and how we can put into action and use these ideas to further the aims and objects of Mothers’ Union in our parish.

Also it is hoped we can renew and sort the church toy-bags at this meeting and perhaps make some more.

Helen Airey

Kirton Youth Club needs your help!!!

Since I reopened the club in late September last year we have had a steady rise in young members. We currently have 50 young members and it increases each week. Due to the sheer number of members I am appealing for anyone who can donate any of the following items to keep them entertained, pens, paper, pencils any old board games, balls, bats, racquets, ps2 games, anything at all would be appreciated. We are a voluntary run club and completely non profit making so any donated items would be very gratefully received by the young members. Please phone me on the number below.

The club is open on wednesday nights 7 pm - 9 pm every week at the youth centre Kirton.

Catrina Tel: 01205 722560

A big thank-you

To the young man who came to my rescue when I fell outside the Kirton Youth Centre on Saturday the 8th March. Your help was much appreciated.

Pat Cross

Friends of King’s Church Kirton Offers You ‘Open Doors’

On Wednesday evenings in Kirton Town Hall, Upsall Room, from the 12th March onwards. Come to relax and enjoy friendship – ALL AGES.

New to the UK? We’ll help you to get to know us and introduce you to new friends. New to the village? We’ll help you to get to know us and introduce you to new friends. Been here sometime? It will be good to meet you.

‘Open Doors’ is a time to share interests, tell us your stories, share problems or simply enjoy the company. Feel like coming to help – just turn up. Remember, every Wednesday is your special ‘Open Doors’ evening 7 – 9 pm. Free to all, see you there.

Friends of King’s Church, Kirton.
For further details or transport phone 01205 723259.


Can You Help Brian?

I have in my possession a medal inscribed ‘Kirton Cup 1929’, this is attached to my late father’s watch chain, I have photographs of him in the 1930’s wearing this on his waistcoat.

As my father, Ernest E Sharpe was born in Swineshead and died there in 1965 (never living elsewhere) I am at a loss as to how he came by this medal. As far as I know he never played football although he was a great follower of the game, I believe he ran the line a few times at Swineshead during the 1940s and early ‘50s.

I would be very interested to know if anyone in Kirton can throw any light on my query.
 I look forward to hearing from you in due course. Yours sincerely

Brian Sharpe

Editor’s Note: if anybody out there has any ideas please give me a call on 722230 and I will pass on any information to Brian.


Boston Borough Council Green Waste Collection

The fortnightly green waste collection restarts on Saturday the 5th of April. The following locations/times are provisional only as we go to print so please check by telephoning 01205 311112.

09:45 Willington Road, Kirton End
10.30 Town Hall car park
11:15 King Street
12:00 Middlecott School
12:30 Marketstead Estate
12:30 Lighton Avenue
13:00 Lenton Way
13:00 Dennis Estate
13:30 Hardwick Estate

You will no doubt have noted duplicate times; the council are using two refuse trucks.


Sutterton Parent & Toddler Group

In Sutterton in the village hall, the parent & toddler group are desperately looking for new families to join the small but very friendly playgroup. It runs every Monday from 9.30am until 11.00am, with tea and coffee available, with juice and biscuits for the children.

Due to the recent new school year, the numbers attending have dropped alarmingly, and so Norma, who runs the meetings, is appealing for anyone with pre-school kids to come along and have a look. All are welcome, and no pre-booking required. It only costs £1 to cover the cost of the drinks, so is reasonably priced too! Hope to see you there.


Tiny Totz

We are a voluntary led Parent & Toddler Group 0-3 years who meet at the Kirton Youth Centre Fridays 10am -12pm. Relax and meet new people, get involved in messy play and sing silly songs and nursery rhymes. Admission £1.50 per adult, children are FREE.

Lisa Simpson, Tel 724029

Parish Council News

The Kirton Annual Parish Meeting will be held on Thursday 17th April 2008, 7pm at Kirton Towm Hall. This will be an opportunity for all electors of the Parish to have their say on issues affecting the village.

All local groups and organisations are invited to send a representative along to report or advertise their activities. A Parish Council meeting will follow. The Parish Council meets regularly each month on the third Thursday at 7 p.m. in the Upsall Room at the Town Hall, except in June when it meets in Kirton Holme at the Church Hall.

The Parish Office is open on Tuesdays between 9.30 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. Kirton Town Hall , except during the month of August.

For further information visit www.thelocalchannel.co.uk/kirton


Frampton Playgroup

This month at playgroup has been a very crafty and creative one. We showed our mums just how much we loved and appreciated them by making keepsake boxes with our photo on for mother’s day.

We decorated them with bright paint and stickers and they looked great, but the best bit was the yummy chocolates inside. I wonder if all the chocolates made it home?
We’ve also been doing some baking. We have been learning how to follow a recipe and put ingredients together; the outcome was delicious biscuits which we all enjoyed very much and they definitely didn’t make it home!

Now that spring is in the air at long last we have been using role play and doing a spot of spring cleaning. In our role play area we’ve had gloves, aprons and bowls of water to help us with our clean up. Everybody mucked in and now playgroup is sparkling!

If you would like any information regarding playgroup or would like to discuss the availability of places, please call Sue our playgroup manager on 07939 266154.


Local Policing

During February there have been 8 reports of antisocial behaviour. They are as follows: 5 reports of inconsiderate behaviour, 2 report of throwing things, 1 reports of vehicle nuisance.

The neighbourhood policing team has recently carried out an Alcohol Test Purchase to licensed premises (public houses) within the Boston area. I am pleased to say that premises visited in Kirton did not sell alcohol during our test purchase.

On Friday 29th February the Neighbourhood Policing Team held a Safer Zone night in Kirton. Lincs Fire & Rescue, Boston Borough Council, DAAT and Parish/Borough Councillors supported this. The evening ran along side Fair Play Football at Kirton Middlecott School. The Mobile Police Office was stationed at Kirton Town Hall where members discussed any issues that they had, Lincs Fire & Rescue demonstrated to the public how they rescue persons trapped in a vehicle. The evening was well attended and my thanks go to all agencies involved.

www.immobilise.com is an excellent website where you can register ownership details of mobile phones, bicycles and other electrical equipment. Every year, thousands of stolen items are recovered but not reunited with their rightful owner. It is FREE to register your items.

There have been reports of youths going on to building sites within Kirton resulting in damage being caused. If anyone witnesses youths on building sites or any other anti social behaviour please report it on 01205 366222 or 999 in an emergency.

If anyone has any issues or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at: Kirton Police Station, Station Road on 01205 722002 or alternatively you can e-mail me at adam.eden@lincs.pnn.police.uk

PCSO Adam Eden

Polish News

Darmowe warsztaty przygotowania do ?ycia w Wielkiej Brytanii
w j?zykach: polskim, rosyjskim i portugalskim

11 March 19.00- 21.00, Long Sutton Market House
9 Market Street, Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, PE12 9DD

18 March 19.00- 21.00, Holbeach St Marks Village
Hall, Main Road, Holbeach St Marks, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 8DZ

19 March 18.00- 21.00, Holbeach Hurn Village Hall
Marsh Road, Holbeach Hurn, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 8JE

24 March 18.00- 21.00, St Nicholas Community
Centre, Skirbeck Rectory, Fishtoft Rd, Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 0DJ

Warsztaty udost?pni? wsparcie w nast?puj?cych dziedzinach:
Prawo pracy – co robi?, kiedy jeste? nieuczciwie traktowany w pracy
Mo?liwo?ci szkole? i nauki – jakie mo?liwo?ci nauki i
zatrudnienia istniej? w Boston

Dom i prawo mieszkaniowe – wa?ne informacje na temat mieszka?, czynszu i Twoich praw jako osoby wynajmuj?cej

Finanse – dowiedz si? o podatkach, przys?uguj?cych Ci zasi?kach oraz jak za?o?y? konto bankowe

Prawo drogowe– prowadzenie pojazdów o nap?dzie mechanicznym zgodnie z prawem drogowym

Opieka zdrowotna – jak zarejestrowa? si? w miejscowej przychodni lekarskiej i u dentysty oraz co trzeba robi?, kiedy masz wypadek. Pomoc miescowej policji – co robi? kiedy staniesz si? ofiar? przest?pstwa

Podró?owanie i komunikacja – jak najtaniej podró?owa? i dzwoni? do domu; poznaj sposoby oszcz?dzania pieni?dzy w Wielkiej Brytanii. Wyk?adowca b?dzie rodzimym u?ytkownikiem j?zyka.

Jesli jestes zainteresowany uczestnictwem w warsztatach zadzwon pod numer: 01529 302466 (Alona Tirzite)

Editor’s Note: hope this comes out OK; neither I or my colleagues to the best of my knowledge know any Polish! Perhaps some Polish members of the magazine would like to do a feature for their compatriots: they would be most welcome.


The Registers

Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family

10th February - Charlie William Lowe
10th February - Jennifer Elizabeth Morrow
17th February - Jasmine Janet Dix
24th February - Jake Samuel Toyer
24th February - Lilly-May Louise Toyer

Weddings - We ask God’s blessing on

15th February Adam Anthony Kemp and Lauren Dennis

Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping

11th February - Hilda Dorothy Bailey
15th February - Olive Sansam
29th February - Albert Edward Dixon
29th February - Ronald George
29th February - Ernest Squelch
5th March - Norman Albeazrt
5th March - Congreave Hardy
7th March Arthur Ernest Sellars